Tips to Score Good Marks in Mathematics


Mathematics can be a nightmare for some students, but it can also be a lot of fun for others. Why? Because maths is a subject where you can either get the right answer or get it completely wrong. It is impossible to say “maybe” in a subject like maths. Many people believe that one must have a brilliant brain to be able to do well in Mathematics. This is not entirely true. Maths helps in improving logical approaches and rational thinking in students. A student cannot be made to fall in love with maths within a short period but by following the steps mentioned below you can at least improve in this subject.

While Preparing:

●  Maintain a separate notebook for formulae:

You should write down all the formulae in a separate notebook. And try to practice them regularly. Moreover, there are a lot of theories and concepts in maths. If you write them separately, it will enable you to revise them at the last minute and you will be able to avoid any kind of confusion.

●  Try to solve problems:

It is recommended that you solve different types of questions to get a better understanding of a concept. Maths is a subject that consists of various types of theories, and formulae. Even though it is easier to get hold of these theories and formulae, their proper application is something that you need to practice. One way of solving more problems is by collecting the answers to all the internet questions. For instance, if you are in class 8, you can collect the ncert solutions for class 8 maths and practice.

While Writing the Exam:

While Writing the Exam

●  Keep your answer sheet clean:

One of the main tips for scoring good marks is to keep your answer sheet clean and tidy. You should keep in mind that the examiner has to check the answer sheets of numerous students, hence it is obvious that he/she will neither have the time nor the patience to try to make out what is clumsily written on an answer sheet. That is why you should submit a neat answer copy so that the examiner can properly check your answers.

●  Attempt questions that you are familiar with:

After the commencement of the exam, the first thing you should do is read the entire question paper carefully. Mark the questions that you are familiar with and attempt those questions first. You must keep in mind that you have limited time. Therefore, you should first solve the problems that you know and then go on to solve the unfamiliar problems.

●  Try to draw graphs:

Including graphs in your answer sheet increases the chances of you scoring good marks. But make sure to make them carefully, so that you do not end up losing marks. To make graphs, you will need a pencil and a ruler along with focus.

What else you can do:

●  Understand the syllabus:

It will be easier to determine how much time to devote to each section if you have a good understanding of the syllabus as you will know about the weightage assigned to different sections. For instance, if you know that there will be five marks questions from a section, you don’t need to spend a lot of time on them; instead, you should give more time to the section that carries more marks.

●  Identify your weak points:

If you want to score good marks in maths you have to know about the topic or concepts that you find confusing or difficult so that you can work on your weak areas and try to improve them. You can improve your weak points with the help of Cuemath, which is an online platform that provides math classes.

The above-mentioned points are the simplest ways of scoring well in maths. You cannot excel in maths without sufficient practice. Learn all the formulae and solve as many problems as possible. If you face difficulty, consult your teacher or take the help of online classes at Cuemath. Maths is not a tough subject, it is just a tricky one, hence, make sure to make it easy with hard work.