How to Prepare for a Math Olympiad: All you need to know

How to Prepare for a Math Olympiad: All you need to know

Several Math Olympiad Contests are conducted across the globe. These can be at the National as well as International Level. The distinct feature of the contest is that it is solely for the students till grade 12. It helps to recognize the mathematician in a student as well as sharpen his underlying skills.

If you are the one who wants to prepare for such an Olympiad or want your child to become a master in Math, then this article is entirely dedicated for you. By the end of it, you will become much more aware of the basics, the process involved, eligibility, and most importantly – How to Prepare for a Math Olympiad?

Aim of the Competition

The Math Olympiad Contests focus not only to improve the skills in the subject but also to make students familiar with the level of competition and their rank following it. International Mathematical Olympiad is one such high-ranked Contest that is held worldwide in more than 100 countries.

There are also many, national-level Math Olympiads in different countries. Any student at the pre-school level can participate in the Olympiad but the standard can vary depending upon the competition.

How does it Work?

The type of questions in the tournament is mainly based upon school-level knowledge but covers the basic conceptual knowledge too.

  • The competition is conducted at two levels and the students whose performance is remarkable to get to sit for the next level.
  • Level 1 has 35 questions for classes 1 to 4 and 50 questions for classes 5 to 12.
  • Only the top 5 percent of the students achieve the opportunity to give the level 2 exam.

What does it Take to Achieve your Goal?

Achieve your Goal

In one word, I would say, all you need is – “the dedication”.  Not neglecting the fact that the right knowledge and practice will give a boost to your aim. In the process, the precise amount of each task given below will create a pathway to your future as a Math Expert!

What you should Prepare?

The most important and preliminary step of your goal is, what you need to prepare. Basically, it includes the syllabus that should be covered. You don’t have to just prepare for your grade but also aim at a higher-level syllabus.

From where to Get the Material

The competition is an Olympiad, so the material cannot be selected from school books. The internet has so many options available for you. It is the best place where you can gather the topic-wise matter.

Set a Routine to Follow

No doubt, a routine makes the goal achievable. If you don’t have a proper time management pattern, even the easier tasks will lie unfinished. You should keep the aim as the important aspect of your daily work.

Clear the Concepts

You should be aware that the process must aim to clear your basic knowledge and concept behind the topic. Your preparation should not be limited to the course of your standard.

Consistency is the Key

What most people lack is consistency in doing the tasks. If you have mastered the skill of steadiness, you are inevitable. Remember, “Slow and Steady Wins the Race”

Don’t shy away from the obstacles

You need to take the difficulties as the new challenge. The more challenges you will face, the more prepared you will be. Try to take extra challenges in the schedule and work to fulfill them.

Practice for Perfection

Here, you need to have good practice on each topic covered. Try to work on problems that you are good at and focus even on details. It will give command on your favorite topics. At the same time, you should also try to include new concepts in your routine and practice them to achieve perfection. In order to know the pattern of the exam, look at SOF IMO Previous Year Question Papers.

Use the Internet as a Problem Solver

You will get several solutions to your questions here. It depends upon you, which method suits you best to understand. You can have access to more than one solution to the same question.

Teacher as a Guide

It is not always the material, but also the person that makes you understand any topic. Your teacher can be your best guide in this. If you get stuck anywhere in the process, who else can better help you out than your teacher?

How Better are you Prepared?

Only working and practicing would not help, unless you know how far have you come. You need to have a track of your progress from time to time. Online quizzes and puzzles are the best to know your preparation.

Keep Patience

There will be times when you might feel low, discouraged, and lose your calm. And this is your time to focus on your inner peace so that you can restart your schedule at a better place.

What the Internet has for you?

There are websites flooded with course material and content for several exam preparations. Many others offer online courses at a low price and even free material delivered at your location. A large number of websites provide courses dedicated to your Math Olympiad preparation. These include video lectures, theory, examples, practice questions, puzzles, and quizzes. You can also have access to online mock tests for the final competition.

You can join any of such courses to increase your chance to be in the top rankers worldwide. The more you practice, the more steps you are ahead of others. Not all skills are distinctly visible, they need to be sharpened too!

What will be the Result?

Well, I cannot determine the score of a student who follows these steps religiously but, for sure I can tell the outcome of these practices. The existing skills in the student will be much sharper than before, with a deeper knowledge of concepts. Once these basic concepts are clear in the mind, he or she can still become a great mathematician. Moreover, the best part about this Olympiad is that the student can give several attempts if not clear at once. So what else do you still need to convince yourself for the contest? Go ahead and get your target!