SEM Write For Us

Search Engine Marketing Write for Us

SEM refers to search engine marketing,  a helping technique of promoting and advertising the content of a corporation to rank higher amongst the search engine traffic. Moreover, similar to SEO, SEM assists companies in improving the content ranking method by search engines. Furthermore, this technique supports companies in bringing their products and services in font of people through paid search engine advertising. Unlike SEO, which emphasis on optimizing content for search engine algorithms to rank the contents high on the search engine results page, SEM is based on keyword analysis and aids organizations to buy intended ad space at the top of SERP.

Amongst the mot popular search engines sits Google, Bing and Yahoo, each uses a process of auction to determine where SEM ads rank on their SERP. Marketing divisions detect keyword terms that might draw users to a webpage. Alike SEO specialists, search engine marketers too use keyword research analysis and tools to identify the phrases audiences are searching for. Subsequently, they purchase ad space from the search engine provider on the result pages for the search terms they want to target. At first, search engine marketers classify keywords with large search volumes and then buy advertising space on the SERPs.

Overall, to avoid confusion, we will use the word SEM only to refer to paid search advertising. However, marketers progressively use search engine marketing only for paid activities, making SEM and SEO two categories.

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Why Write For Technologyify – Search Engine Marketing Write For Us

Why Write for Technologyify - SEM Write for Us


  • Writing for technologyify can give massive exposure to your website for customers looking for SEM.
  • In addition, technologyify presence is on social media, and we will share your article for the SEM related audience.
  • You can reach out to us at

Search Terms Related to Search Engine Marketing Write For Us

  • Search Engine Marketing
  • SEM
  • SEO
  • Marketing
  • Internet Marketing
  • Pay per click
  • Call to action
  • Market
  • Dynamic keyword insertion
  • Internet Marketing
  • Search engine manipulation effect
  • Search engine reputation management
  • Web marketing
  • User intent
  • Search engine privacy
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Contextual advertising
  • Brand awareness
  • Google Analytics
  • Federal Trade Commission
  • Administrative law judge
  • Social media marketing
  • Search retargeting
  • AdWords
  • Bing Ads

Search Terms for Search Engine Marketing Write For Us

  • write for us
  • guest post
  • submit post
  • contribute post
  • submit an article
  • SEM write for us
  • SEM guest post
  • SEM submit post
  • SEM contribute post
  • suggest a post
  • SEM+ write for us
  • SEM+ guest post
  • SEM+ submit post
  • SEM+ contribute post
  • guest author
  • write for us + SEM
  • guest post + SEM
  • submit post + SEM
  • contribute post + SEM
  • writers wanted
  • write for us SEM
  • guest post SEM
  • submit post SEM
  • contribute post SEM
  • become a guest blogger

Guidelines of the Article Search Engine Marketing Write for Us

  • We at Technologyify welcomes fresh and unique content related to SEM.
  • Technologyify allows a minimum of 300 words related to SEM.
  • The editorial team of Technologyify does not encourage promotional content related to SEM.
  • For publishing article at Technologyify pitch us at
  • Technologyify allows articles related to Latest Fitness Trackers, Apps, Start Ups, Gadgets, Business, Telecom & Networks and many more.

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