Visualization Write For Us

Visualization Write For Us

Visualization is imagining what you want to attain in the future. As if it were confirmed today. You can send your article through a document file to

It involves using the five senses of sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. The visualization process directs your subconscious to be aware of the ultimate goal you have in mind.

It reminds you constantly. And that trains your brain to react as if that outcome were present.

There are two types of display:

(1) outcome visualization: imagining the desired future endpoint and

(2) process visualization: visualize each step toward the desired result. With all senses awake.

When the 2 visualizations are used in tandem, they produce the best results.

How to Practice Visualization? 5 Steps

How to Practice Visualization? 5 Steps

Here are five steps to start with visualization practice:

Write what you want in detail, involving all 5 senses. As you comprise more sensory images, your vision will become more tangible. And you will be more motivated to go ahead and make the result happen.

Keep adding details until you feel like you’re living the experience.

Imagine the emotion attached to the result: The more you feel it will be like to achieve the goal, the more you believe it can be achieved. And you are more likely to act.

Take action daily to achieve the desired result: Accept that there will be setbacks. Close your eyes, imagine how you will handle setbacks as they arise, and keep moving towards your goal.

Expand your knowledge: If more knowledge is needed, research and talk to experts. Take a class. Use this knowledge to further detail your vision statement and the steps you must take to get there.

Reflect on your visualization: Visualize twice a day for 10 minutes. It is most effective when you wake up and just before you fall asleep. This will help engage the subconscious in your focused effort toward the desired result.

Close your eyes and imagine the desired result With all the associated senses and all the emotions.

Write the desired effect as if it were true today on an index card. Read morning and night.

Create a vision board and keep an eye on it. Watch it when you go to bed.

How to Submit Your Article at Technologyify.Com?

To submit your article at, you can send an email or pitch us at

Why Write for Technologyify – Visualization Write for Us

Why Write for Technologyify – Visualization Write for Us

Searches Terms Related to Visualization Write For Us






Computer graphics

Product visualization

Interactive multimedia


Graphical perception

Spatial visualization ability



Graphics tablets



Graphic visualization

Computer science

Visual communication

Data visualization

3D computer graphics

Educational animation



Search Terms for Visualization Write for Us

Visualization write for us

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Article Guidelines – Visualization Write for Us

  1. The article must be 800+ words and unique.
  2. We limit 2 links per article, 1 to your home page and another to your internal page.
  3. Content quality must be high and well-researched.
  4. The image should be with 1200 x 800 resolution
  5. We appreciate it if you check the content with Grammarly to avoid grammatical mistakes.
  6. Once we receive the article, our quality team will check the content for plagiarism, writing, and other guidelines.
  7. If the article meets all the guidelines, it will forward to the editorial team.
  8. The article will be a queue and scheduled.
  9. Once the scheduled article publishes, the link will send back to the quality team.
  10. Our quality team will check the content position, technical SEO, and link placement.
  11. Then the article link will send to you.
  12. Happy Writing!

That’s it. If you are ready to share your content with us, Moreover, feel free to contact us or Mail Us at

We are looking onward to working with you!

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